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GIS 4113: Introduction to Spatial NetworksGIS 6104: Spatial Networks

  • It is often the case that real-world systems can be represented as networks of many interacting components. Examples include information (the World Wide Web, citation), social (friendship, classmates), physical (transportation, distribution), biological (food chain, brain) systems, and so forth. Many of these networks are essentially spatial, meaning each vertex can be associated with a location somewhere in the real world. Based on recent advances in network science and GIScience, this course teaches the fundamental concepts, models, and techniques for describing, visualizing, measuring, and analyzing networks. It also introduces their applications in geography, transportation, social science, etc. A series of labs using the popular network analysis package Gephi and GIS software ArcGIS are also designed to help students gain hands-on experience in visualizing and analyzing networks.

GEO 4938: Transportation Geography | GEO 6938: Transportation Geography

  • Introduces the history and evolution of transportation systems, and essential concepts, theories, and topics in transportation geography, such as spatial organization, economic foundations, urban form, major modes, globalization, and environmental impacts. Also covers network representation of transportation systems, basic network measures, and challenges for transportation geography.

GEO 3602: Urban and Business Geography

  • An empirical and theoretical spatial analysis of the various economic, population, and social facets within and between urban settlements. Major topics include: defining urban, urbanization, systems of cities, urban development models, population density, ethnicity in cities, economic structure in cities, and environmental problems.