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Temporal dynamics of the impact of land use on modal disparity in commuting efficiency

  New article first published online: Computers, Environment and Urban Systems; DOI: 10.1016/j.compenvurbsys.2020.101523 ABSTRACT: Urban land use is known to affect commuting efficiency according to the excess commuting framework. However, most studies do not include temporal dynamics, and those that do, focus on decadal, yearly, or daily temporal resolutions. However, commuting is not a stationary spatial […]

A tale of two cities: Jobs–housing balance and urban spatial structures from the perspective of transit commuters

  New article first published online: Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science; DOI: 10.1177/2399808320938803 ABSTRACT: The jobs–housing balance and urban spatial structure are naturally connected, and understanding the connection is important for urban planning, geography, and transport studies. Using smartcard data in Beijing and Shanghai, this research employs a comparative approach to reveal […]

Estimating a large drive time matrix between ZIP codes in the United States: A differential sampling approach

  New article first published online: Journal of Transport Geography; DOI: 10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2020.102770 ABSTRACT: Estimating a massive drive time matrix between locations is a practical but challenging task. The challenges include availability of reliable road network (including traffic) data, programming expertise, and access to high-performance computing resources. This research proposes a method for estimating a nationwide drive time […]

Accessibility and transportation equity

New editorial published online: Sustainability; DOI: 10.3390/su12093611 In this introduction to the Special Issue of Sustainability on accessibility and equity in transportation, we attempt to synthesize key lessons from the issue’s fifteen substantive articles. These involve accessibility-related lessons including accessibility improvement in railways; optimizations of cross-border road accessibility, intercity networks, and pedestrian access to public transportation; as […]

Estimating road network accessibility during a hurricane evacuation: A case study of hurricane Irma in Florida

  New article first published online: Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment; DOI: 10.1016/j.trd.2020.102334 ABSTRACT: Understanding the spatio-temporal road network accessibility during a hurricane evacuation—the level of ease of residents in an area in reaching evacuation destination sites through the road network—is a critical component of emergency management. While many studies have attempted to measure road […]

Automated delineation of cancer service areas in northeast region of the united states: a network optimization approach

  New article first published online: Spatial and Spatio-temporal Epidemiology; DOI: 10.1016/j.sste.2020.100338 ABSTRACT: Objective Derivation of service areas is an important methodology for evaluating healthcare variation, which can be refined to more robust, condition-specific, and empirically-based automated regions, using cancer service areas as an exemplar. Data sources/study setting Medicare claims (2014–2015) for the nine-state Northeast region […]

GIS and health

New book chapter published online: Oxford Bibliographies; DOI:  10.1093/OBO/9780199874002-0211 ABSTRACT: The capability of GIS to be able to store, retrieve, display, and analyze large quantities of spatially referenced data has facilitated the rapid growth of geographic-based research within various health fields, including epidemiology and health care provisioning. This is reflected in the numerous texts focused entirely on GIS […]

Impact of coastal hazards on residents’ spatial accessibility to health services

  New article first published online: Journal of Infrastructure Systems; DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)IS.1943-555X.0000509 ABSTRACT: The mobility of residents and their access to essential services can be highly affected by transportation network closures that occur during and after coastal hazard events. Few studies have used geographic information systems coupled with infrastructure vulnerability models to explore how spatial accessibility to goods […]

Examining and optimizing the BCycle bike-sharing system – A pilot study in Colorado, US

  New article first published online: Applied Energy; DOI: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2019.04.007 ABSTRACT: Many cities around the world have integrated bike-sharing programs into their public transit systems to promise sustainable, affordable transportation and reduce environmental pollution in urban areas. Investigating the usage patterns of shared bikes is of key importance to understand cyclist’s behaviors and subsequently optimize bike-sharing programs. […]

Measuring and visualizing place-based space-time job accessibility

  New article first published online: Journal of Transport Geography; DOI: 10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2018.12.002 ABSTRACT: Place-based accessibility measures, such as the gravity-based model, are widely applied to study the spatial accessibility of workers to job opportunities in cities. However, gravity-based measures often suffer from three main limitations: (1) they are sensitive to the spatial configuration and scale of the […]